When Northern Ireland marks the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement that brought an end to decades of violence at events next week, it will be Bill and taking a bow – with President Biden Joe back at home after making only a brief stopover in Belfast.As officials consider the sacrifices and good fortune that have allowed the achievement to hold, some are pointing to the pivotal role of U.S. diplomacy and to interventions by President Clinton during his tenure. As the agreement came together, Clinton brought the skills he honed in U.S. politics – from glad-handing to cajoling and late night gamesmanship – to the task.Clinton, who has been sitting for TV interviews on the anniversary, will headline a panel under the heading of 'the guarantors' next week, with his wife former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton serving as chair. That comes just two days after Biden wraps up swing through Northern Ireland and a visit to his ancestral homeland in Ireland.
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