He is one of the world’s biggest diet influencers, famous for advocating a diet of raw meat and offal. Over the past few years Brian Johnson – better – has amassed a combined nine million followers on Instagram, and with his often stomach-churning videos.In one clip, extraordinarily muscular Johnson, 47, is seen topless while tearing into uncooked animal testicles – which he says he washes down with scotch whiskey – for breakfast. In others, he eats alligator tail, raw bull lungs and a foetal duck egg (including its feathers, bone and beak). The idea is that by following his ‘primal’ way of living, you too could achieve his eye-popping physique.However, all may not be quite as it seems. In December 2022 Johnson admitted in a six-minute YouTube clip to to bulk up, despite having previously claimed that his body was ‘all natural’ and the result of following a caveman lifestyle.
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